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IWOTA 2019
International Workshop on
Operator Theory and its Applications
July 22-26, 2019
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal
Special sessions
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All participants
Analysis and Algebraic Geometry for Operator Variables
Analysis and Synthesis for Operator Algebras
Free Analysis and Free Probability
Functional calculus, spectral sets and constants
Gabor Analysis and Noncommutative Geometry
Geometry of linear operators and operator algebras
Hypercomplex Analysis and Operator Theory
Integral Operators and Applications
Linear Operators and Function Spaces
Matrix Theory and Control
Multivariable Operator Theory
Operators of Harmonic Analysis, Related Function Spaces and Applications
Operators on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
Operator Theoretical Methods in Mathematical Physics
Order preserving operators on cones and applications
Preserver Problems in Operator Theory and Functional Analysis
Random Matrix Theory
Representation Theory of Algebras and Groups
Semigroups and Evolution Equations
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators
Toeplitz Operators, Convolution type Operators and Operator Algebras
Truncated Moment Problems
Marwa Banna
, Saarland University.
Natasha Blitvic
, Lancaster University.
David Jekel
, University of California, Los Angeles.
Georgios Katsimpas
, York University.
Tobias Mai
, Saarland University.
Mihai Popa
, The University of Texas at San Antonio and The Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy.
Benjamin P Russo
, Farmingdale State College (SUNY).
Julien Sazadaly
, université de Reims Champagne Ardenne.
Mohamed Sifi
, Unervisté Tunis El Manar.
Paul Skoufranis
, York University.
Kenjiro Yanagi
, Josai University.
Sheng Yin
, Universität des Saarlandes.
Nicholas Young
, Newcastle and Leeds Universities.